Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 7: Collections and Exhibits in Omeka

Your assignment for this Digital Tutorial is:

  • clean up the metadata for your items in Omeka
  • ensure the items are in Collections (we did this in class for existing items — if you add a new item, be sure you put it in a Collection!)
  • create an Exhibit

Here are the tutorials we used in class:

Here are the expectations for the assignment:

  • Check to ensure the metadata for your item is consistent (see #1 on the Omeka Collections tutorial).
  • Create an Exhibit using the Omeka Exhibits tutorial. The exhibit should:
    • Have a topic or theme (C, K, S all picked theirs in class; A & G: choose a theme related to Perpetua and Felicitas and their context or how they are regarded in history OTHER THAN gladiators, martyrs, or saints. Some options might be places, motherhood, religion — our brainstorming about the text is on the private student blog — go there if you need ideas)
    • Use pertinent Items from our Omeka items to illustrate the exhibit
    • Have a narrative description/explanation/exploration of your theme of a paragraph (or more but doesn’t need to be long)
    • Text description/explanation/exploration should be accurate: use the actual text, the Cohick & Hughes reading, and the sources for your Items as your resources
    • Clear writing
    • Citations of sources (refer to chapters in the P & F text, cite C&H if you use it, etc.); see the tutorial for more details on citations
  • Additionally
    • the Exhibit needs only to be one page
    • you can add more Items if you want to illustrate your Exhibit if there are not enough or if there’s something you really want for your topic

If you were not in class during the tutorial, reach out if you have questions.

Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 6: Items and Collections in Omeka

Your assignment for the this Digital Tutorial is to post items to our Omeka site, ensure they are legitimately sourced and reusable online, index them with proper metadata, and ensure they are in appropriate collections. [Note as discussed in class, we’ll do Collections next week. updated 3/4/2020] [also as discussed in class please add three items in addition to the one you added in class Wed. Thanks!]

To receive full credit on this assignment:

  • Post the required number of objects (please do not repeat objects with another peer; I will instruct you on the number in class and update this post). Objects must be:
    • from a reputable source and are likely to be valid
    • reusable (check licensing, website info)
    • appropriate for the site topic and issues
  • Ensure metadata for items is complete (see tutorial Section 3)
  • Ensure each item is in at least one Collection
  • Ensure each item is visible publicly & accessible on the site, with tags
  • Entries should be complete and with correct spelling, checked for consistency

Please be sure to proofread and review for accuracy:

  • Ensure the metadata is complete
  • Check for spelling and accuracy
  • Check for consistency

Suggestions for locating content: museum sites and academic sites are often the most reliable sources. Pinterest is the least reliable. Wikimedia Commons and Flickr can be pretty reliable, also. For museums: British Museum, Metropolitan Museum (NYC), Smithsonian (DC) have images of objects with licensing that allows reuse. The Bible Odyssey site run by the Society of Biblical Literature may have material.
