Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 9: 3d Modeling

This Digital Tutorial gives you THREE different options for working in 3d modeling! Each is very different, with different requirements (downloading software, working online, mostly offline) and different output. Read each one for the details.

Due Friday April 17 11:59 Central time.

Have fun with it!! #COVIDCollege means do what you can and you enjoy and post what you do, even if it’s not perfect. Credit = posting something.

Some of these activities assume you’ve watched the videos assigned for this week and next week.

  1. Pretend you want to scan something at the lab in the Library and propose a project. Read the 3D Printing Sheet Sheet created by the OU Libraries, pick an object to 3d model at a museum (such as the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History), watch/rewatch the photogrammetry video and fill out the 3d Ethics Worksheet on scanning your object. Can be done with limited wifi access — you will need to download two pdfs, find an object online, and post to the blog. Output: Post your results to the student blog.
    1. 3d scanning project proposal online
    2. 3d scanning project proposal pdf (if downloading for offline use, also download this OU scanning cheat sheet)
  2. Create a 3d model from photographs (photogrammetry) using provided photographs or your own photographs (if you have a digital camera, not just a smart phone). Can be done with decent wifi access short-term — you will need to download and install software and download pictures and post to the blog. Output: post your model (even if it’s not perfect!) to the student blog.
    1. Photogrammetry tutorial online
    2. Photogrammetry tutorial pdf (be sure to read all the other stuff you need to download also!)
  3. Build a 3d model using a 3d design program online (Tinkercad) of a fun object you have around the house. This one is super fun and is the most creative, plus you can 3d print your model later, but it may take longer to do than the others. Requires consistent online access to use Tinkercad online. Output: post your model to the student blog.
    1. Tinkercad tutorial online
    2. Tinkercad tutorial pdf
Assignments Digital Tutorials


This week’s Digital Tutorial is on the basic code that runs the web: HTML. CSS is shorthand for cascading style sheets, a way to format your web pages and easily change that formatting. There are three levels of challenges to this Digital Tutorial. Do what you can depending on your existing familiarity with HTML:

  1. If you’ve never used HTML code before, use the basic HTML tutorial to create a web page; upload it to Canvas or better yet upload it to your OU Create server space (instructions in this tutorial on Subdomains and Uploading Files) and enter the link to your subdomain on Canvas.
  2. If you’ve never used CSS before, try making a second page using a style sheet. Upload your original page (created in #1), and the new page plus CSS to your domain. If you follow the tutorial, I’ll see a link to your new page on your index page you created in #1.
  3. If you already knew HTML and CSS before taking this class or just want a challenge, try one of these (both require creating an account on GitHub, a site where people write/share/deploy code):
    1. Dr. Miriam Posner’s tutorial to create a page on GitHub pages
    2. Use a set of templates called Bootstrap to make a web page.

Whatever you choose to do is fine with me. I will stay on Zoom the full class time. Ping me if are working on it during that time and you want to trouble-shoot.

Assignment will be considered complete if you send me a page of HTML or link to your page online. Due Friday 11:59 pm Oklahoma time.

If you get stuck, step away, take a breath, and try again a few hours later. If you are still stuck again, you always message/email me for a time to work through it one on one.

Added Tues night: Here’s a video introduction to the tutorial!
Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 7: Collections and Exhibits in Omeka

Your assignment for this Digital Tutorial is:

  • clean up the metadata for your items in Omeka
  • ensure the items are in Collections (we did this in class for existing items — if you add a new item, be sure you put it in a Collection!)
  • create an Exhibit

Here are the tutorials we used in class:

Here are the expectations for the assignment:

  • Check to ensure the metadata for your item is consistent (see #1 on the Omeka Collections tutorial).
  • Create an Exhibit using the Omeka Exhibits tutorial. The exhibit should:
    • Have a topic or theme (C, K, S all picked theirs in class; A & G: choose a theme related to Perpetua and Felicitas and their context or how they are regarded in history OTHER THAN gladiators, martyrs, or saints. Some options might be places, motherhood, religion — our brainstorming about the text is on the private student blog — go there if you need ideas)
    • Use pertinent Items from our Omeka items to illustrate the exhibit
    • Have a narrative description/explanation/exploration of your theme of a paragraph (or more but doesn’t need to be long)
    • Text description/explanation/exploration should be accurate: use the actual text, the Cohick & Hughes reading, and the sources for your Items as your resources
    • Clear writing
    • Citations of sources (refer to chapters in the P & F text, cite C&H if you use it, etc.); see the tutorial for more details on citations
  • Additionally
    • the Exhibit needs only to be one page
    • you can add more Items if you want to illustrate your Exhibit if there are not enough or if there’s something you really want for your topic

If you were not in class during the tutorial, reach out if you have questions.

Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 6: Items and Collections in Omeka

Your assignment for the this Digital Tutorial is to post items to our Omeka site, ensure they are legitimately sourced and reusable online, index them with proper metadata, and ensure they are in appropriate collections. [Note as discussed in class, we’ll do Collections next week. updated 3/4/2020] [also as discussed in class please add three items in addition to the one you added in class Wed. Thanks!]

To receive full credit on this assignment:

  • Post the required number of objects (please do not repeat objects with another peer; I will instruct you on the number in class and update this post). Objects must be:
    • from a reputable source and are likely to be valid
    • reusable (check licensing, website info)
    • appropriate for the site topic and issues
  • Ensure metadata for items is complete (see tutorial Section 3)
  • Ensure each item is in at least one Collection
  • Ensure each item is visible publicly & accessible on the site, with tags
  • Entries should be complete and with correct spelling, checked for consistency

Please be sure to proofread and review for accuracy:

  • Ensure the metadata is complete
  • Check for spelling and accuracy
  • Check for consistency

Suggestions for locating content: museum sites and academic sites are often the most reliable sources. Pinterest is the least reliable. Wikimedia Commons and Flickr can be pretty reliable, also. For museums: British Museum, Metropolitan Museum (NYC), Smithsonian (DC) have images of objects with licensing that allows reuse. The Bible Odyssey site run by the Society of Biblical Literature may have material.

Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 5: Social Network Analysis

Your assignment is to post to the private class blog a social network graph you made in Palladio and explain what it shows. Use either the tutorial using data about help during the holocaust or the tutorial using the Cushman photo collection data (step 8). For a satisfactory grade, the post should:

  • include at least one image of a social network graph (probably a screenshot)
  • Describe the data and link to it
  • Explain what the graph shows and what you learn from it
  • Make a substantive reference to one or more of the readings about social network analysis in your explanation (and link to the reading!)
  • Cite and link to the tool
  • Cite and link to the tutorial used
  • Clarity of writing

The post is due by the end of the day Friday 2/28.

Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT 4: Mapping and Spatial Studies

There are many many tools for creating maps: Google maps, Palladio, Tableau, Carto, LeafletJS, ArcGIS, QGIS… the list goes on. The key to ALL of them is structured, georeferenced data.

For this assignment, create TWO maps with TWO different tools. You have tutorials for Tableau Public, Google My Maps, and Palladio. Post to the course blog:

  • TWO maps created with TWO different tools. (Screenshots ok or screenshots + live links for Google and Tableau, Palladio screenshots only work)
  • For each map explain the dataset in words someone who doesn’t know the dataset can understand
  • For each map link to the dataset
  • For each map name and link to the tools
  • For each map explain what the map tells you about your data

Due end of day Friday.

Assignments Digital Tutorials

DT3: Dataviz with Tableau

There are a number of ways to visualized structured data in spreadsheets. For this tutorial we are using the tool Tableau Public.

Complete the Tableau Public tutorial steps 1-9 to create a chart and 14-16 to share your chart.

Play around — try different chart types with your data, like a bar chart or a pie chart.

Post to the course blog a post with one or more charts (not maps — we have another assignment for maps).

  • Describe and link to the dataset you use for your chart — explain it enough in words so that someone unfamiliar with your dataset knows what it is.
  • Tell us and link to the tool you used.
  • Provide at least one chart: embed it (if you can in WP) or screenshot; you also can screenshot + link to the live chart online in your dashboard on Tableau Public
  • Your chart(s) should have a title, some chart styles should have a legend
  • Describe what the chart(s) show(s) us about your data!

Due on the course blog at the end of the day Friday.

Assignments Digital Tutorials

Personal Website/ Digital Portfolio

Digital Portfolio

For this class, you will create a Digital Portfolio on your website showcasing your work.  (If you already have a website, create a separate section/category/etc for this class.).

It will contain:

  • Your own domain or subdomain
  • A landing/home page
  • 1-3 other pages or posts showcasing your work (depending on the grade you want in the class)
    • A: 2 revised Digital Tutorials + 1 page about your collaborative final project
    • B: 3 revised Digital Tutorials
    • C: 2 revised Digital Tutorials
    • D: 1 revised Digital Tutorial
  • About page
  • Clear menu and structure
  • Functional design

The revised Digital Tutorials will showcase your work in the class using 1-3 of the tools/methods we have learned (# based on grade above).  The Digital Tutorials will revise your work from in class and posted to the private blog, sometimes significantly.  The Tutorial pages will:

  • Articulate a question/problem/research issue your use of the tool is addressing
  • Explain and cite (including a link where relevant) the data used (what is this data? Where does it come from)?
  • Describe and cite the tool
  • Explain how the tool and data address your question/problem
  • Explain how you used the tool and data
  • Explain the results
  • Provide one or more visualizations to illustrate your work and results

You should begin thinking about which Tutorials you want to modify for your website.

For 2/14, you will need to have:

  • Your domain/subdomain set up
  • Some content management system (WordPress, etc) or HTML/CSS set up on your site
  • A landing page with an image and clear text.
  • An About page (can be a mostly blank placeholder for now)
  • A menu

Remember is where you go to manage your domain and your application installations.  If you’re using WordPress, (only put your subdomain where “yoursubdomain” is!!) is where you go to manage your content in your WP site (pages, posts, etc.)

Digital Tutorials

Digital Tutorial 2: AntConc

Assignment:  Post to the course blog what you learned using AntConc. 

Using any of the following datasets, use AntConc to study one or more of these corpora.  NOTE:  you may need to unzip the zip files to load them into AntConc. (Double-click to unzip.)

  • Martyr corpus (my mystery download from the Voyant day)
  • The Film Review Corpus
  • The sermons about Lincoln’s death
  • Shakespeare corpus

A complete, Satisfactory assignment will:

  • Have clear question(s) and query(s)
  • Have one or more visualization, list, or set of data/results from AntConc addressing the question(s)/query(s) (can be a screen shot or a list of the results) – try to go beyond the Concordance tool!
  • Will explain what you learned (whether from the results or failure)
  • Cite and link back to the tool (see the main AntConc page for details) & the dataset(s)
  • Clear writing with well organized text
  • Title, tags, etc. for a blog post.
  • [rubric is below]

Things to consider:

  • Use the Concordance tool
  • Use the Collocate tool
  • Use the wildcard characters (*  ? | etc).  What wildcards do you need to study your chosen topic? (For example, love or death in Shakespeare: love* and death*|die*|dead|dying or more?)
  • Play around with key words that do interest you
  • Compare corpora using the Keyword List tool. (For example, among my texts: load the perpetua-felicitas document into AntConc.  Then in Settings > Tool Preferences > Key Word List load the whole corpus as the Reference corpus.  Load then click Apply, and in the Key Word List part of AntConc click “Start.”)  You should get a list of words that are more unique to the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas compared to the whole corpus. 
  • Explain. To get you started, you could consider one or more of the following questions:
    •  What do the tools you used tell you about the text or corpora you are studying? 
    • What questions do they raise? 
    • Do you need to change your queries, your corpus, etc. to get the answers to those questions? 
    • How does Antconc compare to Voyant?


  1. There are video tutorials on the AntConc website:  scroll down the page to the section titled Video Tutorials
  2. I have a voice-over screen capture on YouTube also:
  3. You can click the CLONE RESULTS button to have your results appear in a separate window. 
  4. You can take screenshots of anything you think is important, also, and print/use the screenshots. PRO TIP: screen shot on a Mac is:
    1. click shift+command+4 simultaneously
    1. position the cursor in a corner of the area you want to capture
    1. click the trackpad/mouse and hold it and drag the cursor across the area you want to capture.
    1. Release mouse/trackpad and you should hear the click of the picture
    1. Find the file on your computer.
  5. When I EXPORT the results to a file on my computer, I put as much info about the parameters as possible in my filename or type that info into the first line inside the file.
  6. Sometimes it is useful to clear your data out (before uploading a new corpus,, etc.).  The “File” menu up on the top menu bar has an option for Clear Tool, Clear All Tools, and Clear All Tools and Files.  I often “Clear All Tools and Files” before doing something new.
  7. The full tutorial is at .  Dr. S’s revised version is at
Digital Tutorials

Create your domain at OU Create
